2025年蛇年春节即将到来!无论海内外都是一片新春的喜气洋洋呀,作为中国最重要的传统节日,这份春节相关英语词汇合集你需要了解!包括春节习俗、春节特色美食的英语单词大全,别再只知道Spring Festival啦!
十二生肖中英文对照 | |
中文 | 英文 |
十二生肖 | Chinese Zodiac / 12 Animal Signs |
鼠 | Rat |
牛 | Ox |
虎 | Tiger |
兔 | Rabbit |
龙 | Dragon |
蛇 | Snake |
马 | Horse |
羊 | Goat / Sheep / Ram |
猴 | Monkey |
鸡 | Rooster |
狗 | Dog |
猪 | Pig |
蛇年:Year of the Snake
中国传统节日:traditional Chinese festival
春节:the Spring Festival
过年:celebrate the Chinese New Year
除夕夜:Chinese New Year's Eve
农历:Lunar calendar
农历新年:Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year
正月:The first month of the lunar calendar
正月初一:The first day of the first lunar month / Lunar New Year’s Day
元宵节:the Lantern Festival
小年:Xiaonian / Little New Year / Festival of the Kitchen God
年兽:Nian Beast / Chinese New Year Monster

年货:Chinese New Year goods / Spring Festival supplies
办年货:do Spring Festival shopping
贴春联:put up Spring Couplets
贴倒福:paste the Chinese character “Fu” upside down
挂红灯笼:hang red lanterns
中国结:Chinese knots
张灯结彩:decorated with lanterns and festoons
门神:the Door Gods
年画:Chinese New Year paintings
除尘:Chinese spring cleaning
去晦气:getting rid of bad luck / driving away bad fortune
辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year
祭灶神:worshiping the Kitchen God
剪纸:Chinese paper cutting
放鞭炮:set off firecrackers
吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner
年夜饭:Chinese New Year's Eve dinner
春晚:Spring Festival Gala / Chinese New Year Gala
守夜:staying up late on New Year's Eve
祭祖:paying homage to ancestors
祭财神:worship the God of Wealth
本命年:one's zodiac year of birth / zodiac year
看烟火:watch fireworks
穿新衣:wear new clothes
拜年:pay New Year visits / extend New Year greetings
红包:lucky money / red envelope
压岁钱:lucky money / New Year money
庙会:temple fairs
舞龙:dragon dance
舞狮:lion dance
灯会:Lantern Fair

饺子:dumpling / Chinese meat ravioli
年糕:rice cake / New Year rice cake
汤圆:tang-yuan /sweet rice balls
腊肉:cured meat / Chinese cured pork
腊肠:Chinese sausage / lap cheong
春卷:spring rolls
四喜丸子:Four-joy Meatballs / Four Happiness Meatballs
糖炒板栗:sugar-roasted chestnuts
糖人:Sugar figurines
瓜子:sunflower seeds / red melon seeds
米酒:rice wine
白酒:Baijiu / colorless Chinese distilled spirit
冰糖葫芦:Tanghulu / candied hawthorn / sugar-coated hawthorn stick
什锦糖:assorted candies
糖莲子:candied lotus seeds
糖冬瓜:candied winter melon